Yes, it is 2017. I had a fantastic year last year going to Disney World with my family and Canada to see some family.
Can I make this year better though? Well I don't think I will be going to Disney again this year but I can still make this year great. I have two big things planned already, they may not be big things to you but they are big things to me... One of them is me having my first music exam in Singing and the other is another Dancing exam and it's been a while since I've done one so I am pretty nervous for both of them. Also this term at school I have started swimming lessons, we only have half an hour in the pool and there are 30 of us trying to learn so we don't get much time, but I still enjoy it.
I plan to work hard this year on the things that I want to do well in and also the things that I'm not so good at.
I hope I can stick to it.